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ENFP - The Inspirer

Extroverted Intuition with Introverted Feeling

Enthusiastic, Creative, Spontaneous, Independent, Perceptive, Imaginative, Versatile, Curious, Expressible, Friendly, Energetic, Restless


ENFPs are initiators of change who are keenly perceptive of possibilities, and who energize and stimulate through their contagious enthusiasm.  They prefer the start-up phase of a project or relationship, and are tireless in the pursuit of new found interests. ENFPs can anticipate the needs of others and to offer them needed help and appreciation. They bring zest, joy, and fun to all aspects of their lives. They are at their best I situations that are fluid and changing and that allow them to express their creativity and use their charisma. 



ENFP children are very curious and often spend time devising new and original but not necessarily practical things. They enjoy drawing, writing, playacting, and dreaming. They are often chosen as leaders because of their persuasive enthusiasm and energy. ENFP teenagers are agreeable, sociable, outgoing and like to imagine themselves in the future.  They spend many hours wondering and discussing with friends who they will marry, where they will live, that work they will do. They leave no options unexplored and find it difficult to see themselves in any single job or career. ENTPs are more likely than other types to change from one career to another, demonstrating their versatility in doing things. Adult ENFPs maintain youthful characteristics, such as enthusiasm, curiosity, and zestful outlook on life. As a result, people often enjoy being with them.  Retired ENFPs often do interesting things that may not be thought possible for others. 



ENFPs often learn best through a variety of means and interact with others. They enjoy the search for new ideas and will put in the time to master what they find interesting. They may prefer a learning environment which the teacher takes personal interest in them, in which there is an opportunity to talk about ideas with their peers.  A motto that might describe the ENFP as learner is “there’s always another way of another answer”. They are good at finding many sources of information. 



ENFPs prefer occupations that reflect their ideals and that promote harmonious relationships with others. ENFPs often follow a nonlinear career track and nontraditional routes to obtaining knowledge, qualifications and skills. You will find them doing work that requires more credentials than they have. They can do this because they have persuaded others of their capabilities.  ENFPs are particularly good at start-up phase of a project. When they are committed to what they do, they are enthusiastic to the point of preaching to the entire world about it. For and ENFP, work must be fun and must contribute to something larger than merely collecting a paycheck. Their ideal job would offer variety, novelty, challenge, and freedom from tight supervision, such as artist, consultant, entertainer, journalist, public relations, social scientist, social worker etc.  


ENFPs are energetic and enthusiastic leaders who are likely to take charge when a new endeavor needs a visionary spokesperson. ENFPs are value-oriented people who become champions of cause and services relating to human needs and dreams. Their leadership style is soliciting and recognizing others’ contribution. They are often charismatic leaders who help people see the opportunities beyond themselves and their current realities. ENFPs are good at bring together many individuals, resources, and programs to effectively meet the organization’s needs.    



ENFPs often have a difficult time separating their work from their leisure. Because of their continual search for new things to experience, it is rare for ENFPs to become heavily involved in a single activity; their appetite for involvement is too great. Among many of their likes, ENFPs like particularly reading and travel, because they give them new ideas and opportunities to experience different people and culture.  



For ENFPs, loving is an almost constant state. They are generally involved or in love with someone or something new. ENFPs may have originated the quotation “All the world loves a lover”.  When falling in love, they explore all the new possibilities in the relationship, and the new person is studied in every way. ENFP tends to idealize his or her current relationship and will often say that the current one is “the best ever”. People often feel unconditionally loved by ENFPs, but over time many these relationships dissipate.  When ENFPs are in love, they may either over-commit and ignore any unpleasant yet true facts; or they may under-commit, believing that there may be a better love “just around the corner”.

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