ENTP - The Visionary
Introverted Intuition with Extroverted Thinking
Enterprising, Independent, Outspoken, Strategic, Creative, Adaptive, Challenging, Analytical, Clever, Resourceful, Questioning, Theoretical
ENTPs are known for their quest of the novel and complex. They have faith in their ability to overcome any challenges that they face. They highly independent, and value adaptability and innovation. They may be several steps ahead of others in encouraging and valuing change. ENTPs hate uninsured routine and resist hierarchical and bureaucratic structures that are not functional. They need freedom for action. They are at their best in changing circumstances in which they can develop conceptual models and devise strategies to effectively navigate through change.
ENTPs are lively children who question established truth and norms, dream and scheme, and develop unusual ways of doing things which may mean taking risks and outwitting parental and school authority. ENTPs rarely accept things just as they are. When things do not go as they want, they use their ingenuity and cleverness to bring people and situations around to their point of view. As young adults, when ENTPs choose a career for themselves, they tend to set flexible goals that allow them to incorporate new information and accommodate to new circumstances. Because of their ability to see relationships and connections between seemingly unrelated things, they can realize the potential opportunities in many things. Many ENTPs are enterprising in nature, even when they are inside organizations, they may act like entrepreneurs as they look to maximize opportunities. ENTPs have many dreams and ideas of what they want to do in retirement. For most of them, life feels too short for all their interests and dreams.
ENTPS are relentless learners. When they subject matter interests them, they can find meaning in whatever they are studying. Knowledge is important to them. They use their enthusiasm and energy to get others involved in their learning. They are quick, verbal, and logical, preferring to use their skills in interactions with others. ENTPs want to be taught concepts rather than facts. ENTPS like to challenge their teachers and classmates and enjoy competitive learning tasks.
ENTPs prefer to work in environment that are flexible, favor creativity and focus on competency. They like to work on real ways to solve complex problems, often applying conceptual models. ENTPS prefer the start-up phase of a project rather than the follow-through of maintenance phase. They contribute an innovative, versatile, and enterprising approach to work. They need to find a niche for themselves to be free to maneuver. The worst job for them is working for someone who demand considerable rule following or tries too often to tell rather than make suggestions to the ENTP. They enjoy occupations such as actor, chemical engineer, computer analyst, investigator, journalist, marketing, public relations, psychologist, sales agent etc.
ENTPs seek leadership roles that allow them to make their mark and have impact. They may develop theoretical models to address individual and organizational needs. They will describe the big picture, pointing others in the right direction and assuming the rest will follow. They encourage initiative and tend to allow a great deal of freedom to others and do not typically work in a hands-on approach.
Leisure tends to be wonderful for ENTPs. They are great at playing and constantly seek new outlets for their energy. They like to take risks and to explore. To allow for maximum flexibility, actual details are often worked out during the leisure time. An open calendar for the weekend is quite appealing to them. Travel is often important to the ENTP because it allows the opening of new vista and horizons and the new ways of conceptualizing life. Many ENTPs are involved in experiences in which they can test themselves physically, allow their minds to focus on a physical task, and find the relaxation that comes from doing something different. ENTP enjoys reading because it offers them opportunity to reflect or to fantasize further.
For ENTP, falling in love occurs when they feel that there is a good fit with the other person. Often within the first meeting, ENTPs will know whether the relationship has any real potential. However, they have difficulty to commit until the right person comes along, so they are not likely to settle down early. When they do become involved in a relationship, they generally want to maintain as much independence and freedom as their loved one can tolerate. Falling out of love will occur when ENTPs’ vision of the relationship does not square with reality. Sometimes they will select someone who offers stability and comfort but later they become bored with the stability.