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ESFP - The Performer

Extroverted  sensing with Introverted feeling

Enthusiastic, Adaptable, Playful, Friendly, Vivacious, Sociable, Talkative, Cooperative, Easygoing, Tolerant, Outgoing, Pleasant


ESFPs are friendly, outgoing, fun loving, and naturally drawn to people. They are enthusiastic and energetic, and are usually well liked by others. They are sympathetic toward people and generous with their tie and money. They want to be where the action is, and they will often stir things up in their own special way. At their best, they realistically meet human and situational needs in a fun and lively way.  



ESFP children are friendly, warm active and enthusiastic, very giving and concerned about others.  ESFPs are aware of what is happening around them and notice much that escapes the eyes of others. They may take delight in a spring flower, a bird’s song, or a bright fabric, pointing these out in their enthusiastic way for others to enjoy. Teenagers usually find it difficult to sit still- they are where the action is. They tend to be sunny and bright. It is hard for ESFPs to be “down”, because of the excitement of each upcoming teenage moments.  As adults, ESFPs lead what might look like “a charmed existence”, even when things are not going well for them.  They usually find a niche for themselves in any situation because of their spontaneity and flexibility. They do well when “service with a smile” is important and when the needs of the customer are highly regarded. ESFPS often interact with all ages, backgrounds and types of people and enjoy share their love of life with others. 



ESFP prefer leaning through participating in groups where they can interact with others and do things, not just observe or listen about things. Most ESFPs learn actively and do not function as well when they must read quietly by themselves about matters that are theoretical. They learn well when they know the teachers well and like the teachers. ESFPS dislike and are upset by intellectual arguments and conflict. They need to experience the concept first before receiving a didactically presented theory. Directions must be very concrete, simple, and accurate, with no tricks or nuances. 



ESFPs prefer to work in environment that is lively, action oriented, and harmonious. They like occupations that allow them to be with people. They like to be of direct and practical service to others and seek work that is self-fulfilling and rewarding. They contribute their enthusiasm and cooperative spirits to the accomplishment of organizational tasks. They like action and excitement, and good at linking together people and resources.  They know how to motivate people to get things done. They are upbeat and sociable, presenting a positive image of themselves and of the organization.  They enjoy occupations like clerical supervisor, coach, designer, factory supervisor, receptionist, recreation worker, therapists etc that allow them to be with people and to provide practical services. 


ESFP leadership style is the one that promotes good will and team work. ESFPs are quickly adaptable and thus able to guide others in crisis situations, unless the crisis is of disharmony among people. They are more relationship than task oriented but will work hard on the task part when the people pat is going well. 



ESFPs are quick to take leisure, give it a new twist, and create new enjoyment. They love being active, whether in craft projects, exercise classes, sporting events, or going out to dinners, parties, or movies with friends. Even watching TV is active for them because they get so involved with the characters. Their reading tastes run toward what is useful or historical accounts about what happened, which they can use to make predictions for the future. They are more likely to read short things, such as newspapers and magazines, than long books.  ESFPs are fun to be with; they found enjoyment in most situations. Their friends are very important to them and they are likely to reach out and touch someone. 



For the ESFP, love means enjoyment of one another. ESFPs want to share values with the loved one. The way people are treated is usually one value they care about. They may move in and out of relationship quickly when the situation feels uncomfortable. They are warm and become more generous and outgoing in the face of approval. They can become quite hampered by disapproval. Even when a relationship ends, ESFPs tend to be very respectful of the former partner. They do not want to call undue attention to the breakup and thus move on rather quickly, surrounding themselves with their valued friends. 

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