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INTJ - The Scientist

Introverted Intuition with Extroverted Thinking

Independent, Critical, Systems minded, Visionary, Demanding, Global, Logical, Original, Firm, Theoretical, Private, 


INTJs are strong individualists who seek new angles or novel ways of looking at things. They enjoy coming to new understandings. They are insightful and mentally quick; however, this mental quickness may not always be outwardly apparent to others since they keep a great deal to themselves. They are very determined people who trust their vision of the possibilities, regardless of what others think. They are considered the most independent of all the sixteen personality types. INTJ are at their best in quietly and firmly developing their ideas, theories, and principles.   



The independent and individualistic INTJ manner appears early in life. As children, INTJs are often inwardly focused on their thoughts of the way the world is or ought to be; They can be stubborn when information relayed to them by authorities, such as parents and teachers, contradicts what they believe. INTJs are compelled to establish their own rules, boundaries, standards, and style. Often at an early age, INTJs make a commitment to furthering their education. The life of their mind is very important to them. INTJ teenagers may be viewed as serious and reserved “bookworms” or “brains” by others. They set internal standards of achievement for themselves and often do well academically. Being social is a standard that they rarely think is worth their time and energy unless it achieves a purpose.  Once attracted to someone, he or she sticks with that one as long as that person meets their standard.  Adult INTJs may set a particular course based on their theory of what ought to be. 



INTJs learn the best when they can design their own approach and when they are able to absorb themselves in an area that interests them. They tend to focus on systems, theories, and constructs relating to universal truths and principles. They prefer challenging teachers, ones who meet INTJ’s standards. They like rigorous academic work and often get high grade test scores. INTJs are diligent in pursuing new ideas and thoughts. Because of their resourcefulness, thirst for knowledge, and inner needs, INTJs tend to find ways of acquiring knowledge. Ideal assignments for INTJs are those I which they can construct a theoretical model to explain something in life. 



 INTJs prefer to work in environment that contains decisive and intellectual people. They like task-oriented with space for privacy. They use their conceptual strengths to analyze situations and then develop models to understand and anticipate future needs. They work extremely diligently to accomplish what they feel is important. They enjoy what they do and see it as a challenge. see their visions so clearly that they are often surprised when others do not see things the same way. INTJs are strong at critiquing so tend to notice the negatives. They enjoy occupations such as computer systems analyst, electrical engineer, judge, lawyer, photographer, psychologist, research, scientist,  university instructor etc. 



INTJs are willing to conceptualize, design, and build models, strategies, and systems to attain organizational goals. They are tough-minded drivers who are more task than relationship oriented. they may need to learn to say an appropriate word of thanks to others.  To enhance their leadership, INTJs need to use persuasive and political skills to make their ideas realities. 



Nothing seems to be haphazard about INTJ leisure-time pursuits. They tend to select leisure activities that fit into their global perspective of themselves or their model of what a person ought to do with leisure time. They seldom leave leisure to chance. An INTJ will often select one or two seasonal pursuits and be consistent and disciplined in taking part in them. 



For INTJs, love means including someone in their vision of the world. INTJ men tend to be attracted to partners who enjoy living their lives with an outward vitality and zest. Perhaps it is to compensate for their internal visionary focus that they often find partners who are more outgoing. INTJ women, however, may seek someone more like themselves. INTJs tend to have a model in mind of how their relationship ought to be. When reality and the distinct personalities did not meet his model, he becomes very frustrated. They tend to withhold their deep feelings and affections from the public. They can be intensely loyal and caring even though this is not always expressed in words. 

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