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ISTJ - The Duty Fulfiller

Introverted Sensing with Extroverted Thinking

Factual, Thorough, Systematic, Dependable, Steadfast, Practical, Organized, Realistic, Duty Bound, Sensible, Painstaking, Reliable


ISTJs are systematic, painstaking, thorough, and hardworking. They get the job done and complete it on schedule. particularly strong and careful in keeping track of facts and details. They are cautious, generally seeking to maintain the status. They honor their commitments.  They are at their best getting things to the right place at the right time. 



ISTJ Children are serious, dutiful and reserved. They like great deal of order and structure. They are cautious and may uncomfortable with new people. They enjoy more traditional activities such as learning cooking and repair broken things. They enjoy stories particularly in which good triumphs over the forces of evil.  They tend to complete assignment first then play later.  Teenagers are down-to-earth type who seek to do appropriate thing at the appropriate time. If they date, they single out one person and date steadily.  They often have part time-jobs to pay practical things and they do not like to ask their parents for money.  ISTJ Adults have a need to do right with what they have been given, safeguarding traditions of the family and of the community. 



ISTJs learn best and apply themselves most carefully in subject that are practical and useful. They tend to need materials, directions, and teachers to be precise and accurate if they are to trust the information that is presented.  They like learning activities that allow them time to reflect. They prefer learning environment to be task oriented, starts and stops on time, and has clear and precise assignments. 



ISTJs are hard-working people who are focused on facts, detail and results. Because ISTJs are stable, persistent and thorough in their work, they are often rewarded with positions of responsibility. They honor deadlines, and keep their commitment.  They prefer to work in situations in which they can see concrete, tangible results. They manage according to established procedure and schedule and are not comfortable with those who do not do the same.  Many ISTJs sacrifice their vacation in order to make sure their work has been accomplished.  They enjoy occupations like accountant, auditor, dentist, electrician, first-line supervisor, science teacher etc that allow for a thorough handling of facts. 


ISTJs use their past experience and their factual knowledge in their decision making. They are more task oriented than relationship oriented in their style.  They focus on immediate, the practical and the tangible. They respect traditional, hierarchical approaches and reward those who get jobs done by following rules and procedure.  Since they believe results speak louder than words, they may not verbally acknowledge the contributions of those they lead. 



Leisure for ISTJs must be earned.  Leisure usually takes place after work is accomplished. ISTJs like to schedule their leisure time. For ISTJs, leisure needs to have a purpose and a result, and a beginning and an end. If a canoeing trip is planned, it is usually to go a particular place, not just to be on the river and enjoy the scenery. ISTJs enjoy spending time alone. They may be absorbed in watching TV because it allows them time to reflect and yet appear to be doing something. 



 For ISTJs, love means commitment, steadiness and consistency.  When ISTJs give their word, and are ready to settle down, they follow through. Because they are dutiful, they expect their partner to behave the same.  They offer their partner stability and security. They do sensible things for the relationship, such a paying the bills and making the household repairs. They prefer the certainty of the current relationship to any future unknowns. When it seems clear that the relationship is over, ending it is the practical thing to do.  

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