Granite Dell and Watson Lake in Prescott, Jan 17, 2022
Granite Dell (花岗岩谷) and Watson Lake is the one of the featured sites of Prescott, the historical town in the middle of Arizona. Granite Dell is a geological feature north of Prescott. The Dells consist of exposed bedrock and large boulders of granite that have eroded into an unusual lumpy, rippled appearance. Watson Lake is man-made reservoirs in this formation over Granite Creek which origins from tributes of Colorado rivers from Grand Canyon.
I moved from Bay Area of California and settled in Prescott in the summer of 2020 and soon found this beautiful town closest to my heart. It is the mythical rocks by the roads I pass everyday that inspired my curiosity over rocks and leads my deep love in Rock Heads. The Granite Rocks here are aged 1.4 Billion years, 1/3 way to the oldest rock on Earth which is about 4 Billion years.
To me, these granite rocks are more vivid sculptures of human stories than human creation. Beyond visual entertainment, I can imagine the world on earth over 1.5 Billions years ago there were already lives on earth, the Titans as imagined by Greek Mythology.
Imaging you are visiting an rock sculpture gallery, see whether you can see any vivid human figures and heads from the following rock pictures:
In my view, they are not only artwork by nature but could be our ancestors from the sea bed of 1.4 Billions years ago. They are the "Titans" on earth.