Balanced Rocks Cross the Navajo Bridge -Page, Arizona
Navajo is the largest reserved Indian tribe in the U.S. and the largest population is in Arizona. Page is one of the major Indian autonomous region. In my 2nd trip to Page, my friend Wendy and I drove to Lees Ferry area which marks the beginning of the Grand Canyon. We drove across the historical bridge, the Navajo Bridge which has a twin bridges built in 1929 and 1995 respectively. It is the only bridge within 600 miles of the Colorado.
Driving across the bridge toward Lees Ferry, an astonishing view appears ahead as if you were entering into a prehistorical town. First we saw an "Arc de Triomphe" on the side of the road. Behind it is one of the many "forbidden towns" like what you can see in the Echo Wall on the back of the Bridge in above picture. The "Arc de Triomphe" looks also like the Sphinx in Egypt. (see the picture below)
Passing by the "Arc de Triomphe" , we stopped as a very astonishing view appears on the side of the road. Many giant "bounders" scattered over the hill and flew down to the side of the road. They look like Asteroids from outer space, and so remind me of the Titan goddess of falling stars - the eleven Asterias in Greek mythology.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, Imagination encircles the world. " Einstein
The above is a NASA picture of an Asteroid. There are millions of asteroids in the solar system. They could be the archetype of human head flying down to the earth from space.